After 10 days of a complete conference on wedding photography in Vegas I can’t wait until I get back to do it all over again next year. It’s so exciting coming home with a load of new knowledge. I spent two full days with Master Photographer Ken Sklute. He is AMAZING!!! http://kensklute.com/ Above is our class photo. I'm the blonde in the bright pink gym t-shirt. Ken is laying in the font of the photo.
On April 8th I spent 4 hours watching other photographers worked be critiqued. I know….4 hours of looking at photos…..you have to be a real photo geek to really appreciate it. I didn’t enter anything this year but I’ll be in next year to see where the Masters think I stand as far as my own work goes. Oh, guess I should mention. All the work is judged by Master Photographers…aka, the best of the best photographers in the world.
The rest of the days were spent in lectures learning the latest of EVERYTHING!!! It was amazing meeting the Master Photographers I meet. I know this soundds cheesy, but it was like a dream. I bought a few new toys for my work and brought home a lot of books and a few Photoshop actions.
One of the best parts was our trip to the desert. In the photo below Row and I climbed to the top of this....rock??? Looks like a big rock.

Here are friends Jamie & Doug from FouldsRobert Photography: http://www.fouldsroberts.ca/

And here are my friends Lora, Sheri and I. Lora ownes Photography by Lora in Toronto and Sheri works for her as an assistant.
And here I am having fun with the camera that I love so much. Canon!
Paul and I just booked the hotel to go again this March as this year Paul and the boys are coming as well. It wil begreat