The first being lip chap, or chap stick as other call it (Melissa). I have lip chap in my car, purse, studio, on my desk (both of them), in pockets of all my coats, on the kitchen shelf, in my boyfriends car, in my mothers car, and even between the mattresses of my bed. Right now I have 5 beside me -- 4 Blistex tubs, and 1 round Blistex. In 2005 my sister gave me a stocking full of lip chap and my friend Lora gave me a gift bag full of all kinds of lip chap including chocolate flavored lip chap from Kit Kat.
The lip chap addiction I cannot beat.....nor do I plan on it, but it's been an addiction for about 12 years or so.
The other addiction I have had is Ice Caps from Tim Hortons. On an average week I easily drink 5-8 Ice Caps. That's 22grams of fat and a whole lot of sugar. Unfortunately, this has been a habit of mine for about 6+ years and I have brought others down with me but they have got past the addiction. Not to long ago I was instructing Aqua Fit and would bring in an Ice Cap with me. Isn't that awful?!! I'd be instructing with my Ice Cap while others worked hard in the pool drinking water. (I've been off the gym for about 3 months and just applied to another gym and was hired but haven't decided if I want the work yet or not.)
Well, for the last 2 weeks I have maybe had 6 Ice Caps. That's 6 in 14 days. Instead I have been drinking about 3 Hot Chocolates a day. I always say this and fall off my wagon but I'm trying to cut back on the Ice Cap's.
I thought this cartoon was cute for all the other addicts out there. I know I'm not the only one.
When summer hits you will be addicted to Ice Caps again. It has the same ingredient as Snapple to make you addicted. I refer to Toronto Video #1
Where is video #1???
I'll be showing that at your wedding!
Haha, I have video #1 here, and you will never get it, lol
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