Friday, January 26, 2007

more blah, blah, blog :)

The bridal show is going well. I meet a 2010, ah?!! Way to plan ahead!

Today a bride to be booked for a May wedding. She has one of those little tiny dogs she was carrying around in a Lui Vaton purse. The adorable pouch will be in the wedding with a tux and top hat. How cute is that?!!

A good number of brides stopped by because they read I was going to be there here. Thanks for visiting!

Besides that three local photographers stopped by to say hi and I've meet a few just starting to get in the biz who were just checking out my work...I remember I use to do that :) I showed one photo girl a trick in photoshop and she left skipping down the hallway, sooo funny!!!

Tomorrow I'm off to the Old Mill in Toronto to photo a wedding. It will be great as the couple is a lot of fun and I'll get to posting photos after the weekend.

Chat soon....

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