Monday, August 27, 2007

Blog Tagged

I was tagged by Jennifer to list 8 interesting things about me that you all probably don't know and then find 8 more photographers to do the same.

1. I keep fresh flowers in my house and smell them everyday.

2. I think the Canadian flag blowing in the wind is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen – the bigger the better.

3. Everyday I drink an Ice Cappuccino (most of you might know that) and I use lip chap/chap stick every hour or more. (maybe you didn't know that)

4. I sing and dance everyday. I love singing in the car with my sister. I think we do it every time it’s just the two of us are together but we will also sing with my son in the car and he is use to it.

5. I call screen.

6. My office is a mess 90+% of the time but I know where everything is.

7. Most of my friends are photographers.

8. When people ask how I am I always say “Fabulous!” no matter how worried I am with work, finances, or single parenting. I usually get a reaction to my answer, except from friends who know I always say fabulous but most don’t know why it’s always my answer. One day I was worried about work and someone asked how I am and I answered as usual. My son said it wasn’t he knew I was worried. I told him I am always fabulous because I have him and no other worry even compares to how I would feel if things were otherwise…which is very true.

OK, and now a pic:

It's a cherry


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

That picture is just amazing!

Jennifer said...

oh I love that pic, totally awesome bubble fruit! I love to have fresh flower all the time too, especially pink roses!!!

Hahaha, thats funny thats most of my friends too!

Stephanie said...

Chap stick is a MUST in my life. :D What is your favorite kind?
I love that you enjoy seeing the flag blowing in the wind. My hubby is Canadian, and we have a Canadian and American flag at our house..always swaying in the breeze. Simply a beautiful picture.

Love the cherry! You're awesome at Macro! :D

Anonymous said...

Love that photo! It's fun to read and learn some fun facts about 'ya. :o)

Amy (3 Peas) said...

LOLed at the chapstick- I'm addicted to Burts Bees :)
BTW- Fabulous is one of my FAVORITE words- I say it all the time :D
That photo is SUPER cool- is it something under water? Like a raspberry?

Angie Penrose said...

Love that shot! So cool. Great list too. :)

Anonymous said...

Great picture Jenna!

I`m so jealous that you have fresh flowers everyday. What a nice treat for yourself!

Gerri Photography said...

Well, even when you are not 'feeling' fabulous, you are still fabulous, which is why you get away with it! ;)

Love, love, LOVE that shot!!! You sure do rock the macro!