Thursday, December 06, 2007

Guess what?!!

So remember I have a sister expecting???
She had a girl!
And, my sister might not like me sharing her life with the world but she hasn't complained me, lol. It was three days of labour for this little angel. She is loving her new mom life and I'm so happy for her.
She will for sure be in the studio soon for pixs and you know, since she is my sister I can try all the new stuff I want as far as new ideas for photos goes. I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Awww, so sweet. Congrats to her and to you for being an Auntie. :o)

Stephanie said...

Congrats to your sister on this ADORABLE angel girl. :D What a sweet looking girl..
And lucky you..a lifelong model for your new ideas. : D Can't wait to see them. :D

Jennifer said...

awww, congratilations to her and her beautiful new girl! She is defintely precious!

Amy (3 Peas) said...

Adorable! I just had a nephew born! :)