Great question and I think it’s time I explain :D
I try or aim to have my wedding albums ready for pick up within 6-8 weeks. Sometimes if lucky I can have things done in 4 weeks but not very often. Sometimes I takes longer than 6-8 weeks but again, not very often...but sometimes.
This year I had a few inquires as to why the turn around time is so long. (6-8 weeks isn't that long, is it?!!) Or why I have studio session disks ready in a week but a wedding takes several weeks. Studio sessions are quick -- weddings, not really!

As all photographers have a different work flow my turn around time may be shorter or longer than others. Some photographers do not edit, or photograph in RAW so they can push things out quicker. If I printed locally I could have a quicker turn around time but my lab is so great; it’s worth the wait.
Your friends can be tagging you on facebook the next day with the images they took on their point and shot cameras. I have a bit more work to do before I share on facebook or here on the blog.
I like my work flow. It works and your wedding albums from me are truly beautiful. I have never had a complaint *fingers crossed it stays this way* Instead I get a lot of:
"Hi Jenna,
I keep meaning to let you know that we received the album and CD of photos from our wedding that you'd sent. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! They're fantastic!! I can see why you had a hard time picking out ones for the slideshow!
Just wanted to say too... THANK YOU for everything you've done! You and Tim were fabulous and we're so happy with the memories that you've helped us to keep and pass down. All of the photos will definitely be cherished. Thank you for your time, your professionalism, your talent!! Of course, we'd recommend you to anyone who we come across.
All the best to you!"
I keep meaning to let you know that we received the album and CD of photos from our wedding that you'd sent. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! They're fantastic!! I can see why you had a hard time picking out ones for the slideshow!
Just wanted to say too... THANK YOU for everything you've done! You and Tim were fabulous and we're so happy with the memories that you've helped us to keep and pass down. All of the photos will definitely be cherished. Thank you for your time, your professionalism, your talent!! Of course, we'd recommend you to anyone who we come across.
All the best to you!"
And now you know the workflow of your wedding album by About Image Photography
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