Wednesday, October 28, 2009

30 days till 30

30 things I want to do before I turn 30

1. have my photo taken with my son
2. take a day off work -- first in 5 months
3. try the apple cider made here in the county
4. have my son skip school and head out for the day
5. get my broken cameras shipped off to Canon
6. get rid of this cold and have my voice back
7. go to a movie
8. pay off my car
9. have a Halloween party for my son -- it was awesome!
10. talk my sister into making me cheesecake cupcakes
11. change the burnt out light bulbs on my car
12. find a designer purse that is not leather
13. get a facial
14. wax
15. spend a whole day in the same spot
16. have my mom show me how to plastic the house windows for winter
17. get my bunny to pooh in the litter
18. eat something new -- thanks Janet
19. be a mentor to someone
20. have some 'before 30 boudoir' photos taken
21. make lots of people smile
22. buy a Christmas tree
23. understand the difference between 'affected' and 'effected'
24. go on a date
25. go on a double date
26. go out with my shady ladies for a night
27. skate
28. read a book on human behavior
29. get married and have more, ok maybe that's a little rushed!
30. get over the fact that I will be out of my 20's :*(


Anonymous said...

I am up for a movie date!! I can help with that one, a husband isn't all its cracked up to be!!! New food have you tried goji berries?

Jess said...

I'm sure you won't have a problem accomplishing most of these things...I could help you with #25 and 19 if you would like...heheheh

V said...

So if you want to get #15 accomplished you might as well get 13 & 14 done while you're staying in the same spot all day.

Anonymous said...


Vegan designer purses: