Monday, October 05, 2009

Hey Cougers!

Thanks to everyone that was in rocking out the photo booth! We raised about $400 in the three hours of shooting we had so that's about 80 images sold!

As the weekends keep me busy with weddings I have just got the album uploaded now for you ladies.

the gallery is here and the password is *cougar*

Just send me your address, how many prints you ordered with the file number from the gallery. There are 85 photos. You file number will be from 1-80. Just click on your photo and the number is displayed. If anyone needs help just call me at 613.849.5928 and I'll walk you through it.

If your photos are not in the gallery it's because I know we have made other arrangements but still contact me with your address so I can send you along what you need.


Jen said...

Jenna, we had such a blast in the photo room! The photos are all so much fun - thanks!

by the moon said...

Yay! Thanks!