Tuesday, November 17, 2009

GOSSIP MONDAY....on a Tuesday

- things are going so well here in the studio. Christa has me shooting 3-5 sessions a day. We're getting everything out within the week or sooner :D
- Natasha is working on a fabulous Christmas window display that will be up soon. Here is a sneak peak...any guesses as to what it is? We will post hints everyday so check back regularly. We tend to think pink here a lot.
- I'm still working away on our weddings with only one wedding left to shoot this year, but I start early next year with the winter weddings.

- We don't have any orthodontists in this town! My sons brace fell out of his bracket, we had to wait a week for it to be fixed and drive 2hrs round trip for a 2min appointment.
- my sister threw me a surprise birthday party last night with all my closest friends :) It was my dirty 30 party...which is now 9 days away! I'm starting to get over the 30 fact thanks to a friend. Christa made the martini cookies, and my sister Janet decorated them...sooooo ymuuy! There was a pile of food! We even had our own bartender :)

- I'm still working away on my 30 things to do before 30, which I also have to update as to what I have accomplished already. I don't think I'll get the skating in as it's been a very warm November.
- I'm a day late on the gossip, yesterday was a busy day...as most days are for most people ;)

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