WORK- I photographed my first wedding of the year on Saturday :) I know the couple from photographing them in studio since I moved the studio to Picton. Here is my favorite image of the day:

- the workshops I'm hosting are booking up nicely. I'm so excited to grow into instructing photography. Suggestions have been made for other classes that others are interested in so I'm taking everyones ideas into new classes.
Here is the link- the blog is coming along and will hopefully be up this week. Did I say that last week??! lol It's been a busy week!
- Natasha had her last day of co-op with the studio on Friday and her first day of work with the studio on Saturday. She watched the wedding booth at the bridal show while I was photographing the Post wedding
- Since I was sitting in the bridal show all day Sunday I have to Post wedding complete and will share as soon as I get the slideshow together
- the bridal show went well. It was great to see some friends, clients, other photographers and new brides. Sitting in a mall for three days is were to be for the latest gossip! I always learn so much about my clients from the shoppers. It was great to see how many mall shoppers stopped by the both because they recognized my work. One lady knew me as Janet's sister, another as Bradley's mom and the rest knew me as Jenna Simpson. I had two sides to my booth, so sitting on one side I could here the shoppers talking on the other side about me, who I photographed, and making oshs and ahs over the images they were looking at.
- I also learnt how many people look forward to Gossip Monday :)
- I now have three days of phone calls and emails to catch up on since I didn't have internet or very good service at the bridal show
- I spent the weekend in Belleville to avoid driving back and forth for the show so it's great to be home for the first time in a few days. I'm having a really slow Monday morning and I'm out of sugar so my morning tea just isn't the same.
- My
101 things to do in 1001 days list is coming along. #1 - I have encouraged more than 20 people to make a list -- YAY! #19 - I have been great at keeping my email box close to empty. I'm not so great with Facebook messages. #24 - the Lost series I am on season 3. This is great for not bringing my work home with me, lol. #30 - I'm still updating the website. I think I'll add a few more wedding images but all the images I had wanted to remove are down and ready for new ones. I'm probably uploaded 150 new images in the past week. #34 - I've donated to one auction, two more to go. #59 - I've been working 6 days a week instead of seven. I take Saturdays off and if that doesn't work I take Mondays off. #68 - My new hobby is decorating. To bad it's such an expensive hobby!