I did this 3 years ago in 2007 and finished 68 of my 1001 things to do. It's interesting to take a look back and see how my goals have changed. There are things on the 2007 list that I no longer have interest in and new things on this list that I use to not have an interest in. There are also many things listed where I can look back and know how much I've learnt from certain things listed.
I've read so much more after making the 2007 list. I paid off huge amounts of debt. My business has grown a great deal. A lot has happened in the last 3yrs. So, I look forward to the next three years and looking back again to my 2010 list.
I'm hoping many of you will be able to help me out with #1. Let me know if you start your own list and if you are willing to share I'd love to read it. You can even start your own blog on accomplishing a list like this, many others have. Check out PROJECT ZERO to help get you started. And feel free to use some of my goals if you have the same goals. And let me know if you start a blog so I can follow you :)
Here is my 2010 list:
1. encourage 20 people to make a list like this2. print and hang photos in my house
3. learn to BBQ
4. invest
5. enter a print competition
6. get to WPPI
7. continue to read on learn on human behaviour, parenting, business, and finances
8. throw a party
9. spend a whole day in the same place
10. improve the packaging of products
11. learn more about teenage boys (since I have one)
12. attend at least 5 photography workshops
13. attend at least two financial workshops (1 down)
14. visit Greece
15. shoot the cover of a magazine
16. find my light meter or buy another one
17. redesign a wicked play room for my son including a flat screen mounted to the wall
18. do something to raise awareness for something I believe in
19. keep my email box close to empty
20. get a new hair style
21. go on a picnic
22. get to know someone new
23. take a road trip with my son
24. watch the Lost series (2 series to go)
25. get/stay in shape
26. finish P90x
27. get some cool aps for my iPhone
28. makeover my sons bedroom
29. Take a photo a day for 30 days and blog about it (maybe on the mom blog)
30. update my website four times a year
31. buy three new lenses
32. go winter camping
33. do something with my Facebook Fans group on FB (deleted it. I'd rather just blog)
34. donate a photo session to 3 auctions
35. shoot more for fun
36. become a rockstar photographer
37. shoot a formal portrait of a celebrity
38. mentor a novice photographer
39. throw a Wii Party
40. take a weekend holiday
41. read 100 books
42. learn to pay myself
43. shoot more on my studio wall
44. kiss someone in the rain
45. lay new floors in my bathroom, kitchen and laundry room
46. buy front loader washer and dryer
47. have movie nights with my friends
48. meet and have my photo taken with a rockstar photog
49. host my very own photography workshop
50. photograph a band
51. have the ability to do 50 push-ups in a row
52. do something nice for my son everyday
53. get a hot tub...if I am able at my current house location
54. money goal #1 - pay off business debt
55. money goal #2 - save $10, 000
56. money goal #3 - catch up on my sons savings of $1/day since birth
57. buy a new camera
58. grow a flower garden
59. learn to work less (I now work 6 days a week)
60. Throw a "Diva for a Day" party
61. buy some plants and keep them alive
62. blog more on the mom blog
63. blog one thing that has made me happy for 30 days in a row
64. Learn to say fabulous in 5 different languages
mielestani-Finnish -- thanks to my sister
65. keep up with my book club
66. go 30 days without eating out
67. hire a house cleaner
68. learn a new hobby (decorating)
69. get my son interested in a new hobby or sport
70. take more photos of my son
71. have a family portrait taken by Gerri
72. unclutter my closets
73. have a yard sale
74. share my secret accomplishment by this June and have it done by then
75. establish a 5yr career plan
76. establish a financial plan
77. compile a list of 100 books to read
78. get a pedicure
79. get facials at least 6 times a year
80. create a budget and stick to it
81. attend 3 classes that have nothing to do with work
82. make use of my deck, maybe buy a patio set
83. go a month without using my credit card
84. take my mom out for dinner
85. make my backyard nicer
86. grow a herb garden, maybe in my house
87. bind a book
88. find new inspiration
89. take my vitamins
90. bring my lunch to work for 30 days straight
91. own a good sharp set of knives
92. get ride of all my scrapbooking stuff
93. give more
94. send out Christmas cards
95. sing more with my sister
96. stay overnight at a bed and breakfast
97. go rollerblading with Jess
98. have my son throw 6 parties a year (we do a lot of that now)
99. be a rockstar mom
100. spend more time with friends -- doing!
1001. make a new 1001 list at the end of this timeline
I'm sure most of this will be able to be accomplished!!! My 1001 doesn't finish until the end of this year, well September I guess right?
I should really update my list and see how I've progressed.
Jenna, I love your list, I will def have to one! I would love to attend your photography workshop and you can def mentor me with photography, I want to learn from an amazing photographer!
Awesome List, If your getting rid of all your scrapbooking stuff, I will gladly take it off your hands!
Ive just started scrapbooking and need some supplies!!!
Heather Howes
So between here and Facebook I have three that are starting the list :)
I use to work for Stamping Up' so I have tons and tons of scrapbooking supplies. I should photograph it all and post how much I have. I plan on posting the stuff on Kiji for the highest bidder as it all it's doing now is taking up space in my house.
i will def buy some scrapbooking stuff from you.
Kijiji is a great place to sell junk ;)
You already have no. 36!! You are a rock star photographer!!
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