And, as a single mom I sometimes try and do things on my own -- just to try and show my son I can...except, I don't own any tools (yet) so we had to use his from a 'put a bird house together yourself' kit Here is my son at work -- taking over and being the man of the house. He is age nine.
So, we got everything off we needed to to change the light buld ourselves and then I realized that I had to take the battery out to get the light bulb out because I didn't have enough hand room. I needed another tool I didn't have and I'm not quite sure I would attempt to remove the battery. So, we put it all back together and took the car to the garage. We tried.
Totally different topic...
I cropped out his dirty socks but this pic was taken last night after school. He came home and crashed on the couch with a sunburn after track & field at school. He placed 1st in a long distance race with 45 others in the race. I'm so proud. He once got a B+ in gym and I was trying to figure out why he didn't get an A, lol. I work in a gym as an Aerobics Instructor so he sometimes has to take my classes weather it be Aqua Fit, Step Class or Weights so h does keep fit. His head rests on his fav. pillow which he will not put a pillow case on for some reason. I tried once and he just took it off.
He looks totally worn out! Great job trying to fix the light on your own, with your little man helping.
Better teach him about the importance of sunblock!!!
He looks so tired, I loved the pic of him working on the car, he looks like such a grown up boy!, a young man!
That's a funny battery story. Well, probably not funny at the time..but fun for me to read. :D My favorite tool? A knife and my shoe. That's all you need to kill a spider. ;)
Love the shots of the 'weeds'. Seriously..you get amazing macro!! :D
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