I've been a bit busy to blog as the weddings, engagements and studio is keeping my time limited for things like blogging. I won't be able to get everything I shot up on the blog but I'll try to post your session if you've asked...I have received a few emails about when the pics will be on the blog from brides, couples and families...I think it's awesome when I get these emails and I will make posts when you ask for them and from there it will be if I have the time.
I will have the following wedding albums ready for the weekend:
Jen & James
Katherine & Conor
Lori & Jason
Lyn & Jason
Ashley & Anthony
I think I still need to blog 2-3 of the above
Next week I should have wedding albums for:
SJ & Kevin
Natasha & Jay
Lori & Micheal
Emily & Matt
I haven't blogged any of the above. In the last two months I have photographed 14 weddings and only posted 1 and it's only because I am trying to get your images out and blogging takes time with the amount of shooting I am lucky to have :) ...but, again...if you ask, I'll make sure I get it up for you.
If you don't see your name on the list -- no worries -- it's still in progress and I don't have an exact date to give yet
Studio session ready for mail/in the mail or pick up:
Jen & Blair
Stephanie & Jamie
Mary & Tim
Fox family
McDonald family
...again if your name is not here -- no worries, I'll be getting to your session tomorrow and I haven't blogged any of these sessions yet :0 ...but I'll get to some pic blogging tomorrow