Friday, December 19, 2008

Krysti & Jessica

Krysti and Jessica are FABOLOUS!
...and they are the ladies behind the desk when you walk into the studio.
Jessica has been spending a lot of time editing the recent studio sessions giving us a quicker turn around time on the sessions while Krysti works on the marketing and booking the sessions into the studio. They have really helped with the the season being so busy.


In the month of December we were able to have the studio sessions ready in 24-48hrs which came in really handy last week when I had the flu. The girls didn't let it slow down our turn around time as they learnt really quickly the processing of studio sessions.

They have been reseaching and ordering new studio props that we plan on having in late January as well as looking into new ideas as to what we can do different in the studio. We have new promotions coming up in the new year that we will share soon.

Check out the Facebook group Krysti created to keep everyone up to date on our promotions:

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