Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007
Nothing but Rain

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Osterhout Henry Hall Bridal Show
Melissa and I will be there as Melissa just registered us this week after I played phone tag for about a month with the hall. Thanks Melissa!
We have had a few inquires as to weather or not we will be there so just letting everyone know we are in and hope to see some familier faces.

Good thing I'm not paid by the hour....slacking off taking my own pics :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
12 of 12
I have finished my Ice Cap for the day - yummmm. I'll get another tomorrow at the same time :)
12:08 at a Greenhouse in Bayside
I get my first compliment of the day from a bird who whistled at me - yes my life is sad....
12:24 still at the green house
just playing with the macro
1:21 at the health clinic in Trenton
Blood work to check in on my vegetarian diet. I thought emptyinstead of full of blood would make for a better pic
1:37 at the Grocery store - A&P
My son asked if I could pick up some peanut butter so he can have it on toast tomorrow. I read labels on everything I buy that has labels. This one looks ok but I'm sure I look crazy photographing labels...lol
2:52 back in my car in Trenton
Sabina, her daughter and I were getting together for lunch but I had never heard of the place where we were meeting at, as you can see form the text. I just crossed out her phone number in pink because pink is pretty :)

3:34 - in a Deli in Trenton
Sabina's daughter is expecting! I'll be taking her maternity photos in August :) This is belly pre bigger belly.
5:52 - my living room
This was my supper - an Easter Egg, but I had a salad with Sabina and her daughter so I was full. My poor veg diet :( But, I did make my son a steak.
6:48 - my washroom
Well, for my body pary photo I tried to photo the bandaid on my arm froom blood work but I couldn't manage :( So I snapped this one. I'll do btter next month :)
7:40 in my livingroom
My son and I play a game of Clue - Who Shot Mr. Burns. He won the first round and then I the second only because I knew what room he was headed for so I beat hin there. Is that cheating???