Caitlin and I started in our usual fashion where she started with the men getting ready photos while I was with the ladies. I just pulled one detail shot each to share. I photographed Lori's bridal necklace on the arm of a chair at their getting ready location and I love the shot below Caitlin grabbed of the wedding programs/fan at the ceremony location.

Th ceremony took place at a local winery, Carmela Estates

When I gave the rings back to Lori I did mention they may be a bit sticky...this was the shot.
There were limes in the center pieces so I asked a staff member at Carmela if they would cut it in half for me so I took a few shots but this is the one I likes best.

The couple have been together for 10 years, engaged for 5, they have two children and were just married Saturday July 19th -- Congratulations!

While I was photographing the speeches, Caitlin captured some totally adorable images of the kids playing under the tables. They were posing it up for her. How cute?!!

I have the slide show ready to share but I'm having a problem loading the song. So, since I know the couple checks in here (they thought I was engaged and congratulated me, lol) can you two try emailing the song to me if possible and I'll have your show up and running as soon as possible. Unless I figure it out before then I'll just attach it to this post -- ugh, technical difficulties!