Monday, March 30, 2009

The Davidson Baby

Mr. S gave us lots of smiles. This was his second time in the studio and while he was in the first time he also gave us a lot of great images

Just look at that smile!

Oh babies on blankets -- always adorable!

We decided to try real bubbles and water. I discovered that I do not have any hot water in the studio on this day! Mr. S took a bit of a cool bath but still smiled through the whole thing...and he tried to eat the bubbles. We have photos of that as well
Then we tried him still for a few Easter images :D
We will  see Mr. S again in August

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Sadly, this is the only photo of the girls and I that are heading to Florida. I have no idea what we are talking about here but it looks like one of our juicy conversations, lol. We were at a Toronto photographer get together. They are always a good time. 

Most of my blog followers know of my friend Gerri (left) Heather (middle) is a photographer from the Durham area and there I am of course (right)

We leave today at 6:30am

Our friend Kevin Charlie  took this image of us

I'm totally excited about the convention and can't wait to see what new things I learn!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Fyke Family

The newest addition to the family:

He is so adorable:
A few of dad and son:
Oh, good times:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm out of here...

…for a few days! I am off to Florida with a few of my favorite photographers for a FABOLOUS photographers convention. It’s going to be awesome! It’s hands on with sunrise and sunset shoots, with beer and photoshop (I don’t drink beer but it still sounds cool) there’s a tradeshow and classes, print competition, shooting lab, amazing speakers and a whole lot of photographers!
Besides the learning part of the convention as I am always looking to improve my skill (which is going to be incredible), it’s always great to hang out and make friends with others in the biz. Mostly all of my friends are photographers but it’s so easy when we share the same passion. It’s not just a job for most. All my very close friends are photographers.

So, we head to Toronto Saturday evening and fly out Sunday morning! (as some of you know) Everyone’s sessions from this week are in the mail, even yesterdays. The five sessions I photographed today will be in the mail tomorrow. Friday and Saturdays sessions will not be done before I leave as you know.

I will not be answering the phone in Florida (I plan on being busy) but please do email. Of course I’ll take lots of photos to share with you all when I get back...or maybe while there, who knows. 

Anyhow, I will set up some of this weeks studio sessions to be posted while I am away...just encase I don't find the time to share what a fabulous time I'm having ;) 

I LOVE photo conventions :D 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Things change and so does my hair

This is what I started with...all blond
Then I went to this...some crazy red that faded to an a mix of orange and brown you can see it wasn't really working out for me, lol
And now I have this...My blond, with Pink and brown underneath
I have actually had people not recognize me when I change my hair color, obviously people I don't know very well. I photographed a birthday party with the red hair and when I had one of the guests was into the studio for a session with the pink and they didn't recognize me, lol

So, heads up -- when I show up at your wedding this spring it's pink :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick Note

The studio is TOTALLY booked this week. I don't have any available sessions left. The Easter Special can be extended into April. I was already pretty busy this week to start with so I didn't have a lot of room to book everyone in. 

Just email me with your available dates and we will try to set something up. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Larissa & Luc Married!

Above is my favorite ring shot of the day
...and below the married couple
The wedding took place in Ottawa. It was beautiful. Larissa really did look like a snow princess. The theme was snowflakes and luckily there was platy of snow for us to enjoy some nice cold but with it outdoor photos :)
The cake - beautiful! 
For the wedding slideshow and more photos, CLICK HERE

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spoiled I am...

...because someone gave me flowers, lots of them

Remember way back when I got my macro lens and I use to take photos like this all the time?!! When I first got that lens I drove around with it for a week straight, no matter where I went and took pictures...or I would find things to photograph. I should try and make more time for that again. 

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Top 10 - both sides

Things I love
1. my son, friends and family (of course)
2. my job, photography, photography workshops
3. all my mac stuff: MacBook Pro, iPod, iPhone
4. finding money around the house, in my pockets, under my car seat…it’s everywhere
5. pink hair
6. straightening iron
7. chocolate milk
8. lip chap/chap stick – whatever you cal it
9. sunglasses
10. slippers
11. camera gear
12. my sons laugh
13. sleeping in
14. jeans and t-shirts
15. pink highlighters
16. ok, anything pink
17. pretty smelly things
18. a house full of kids
19. nail polish
20. brides

Things I do not love
1. breaking nails
2. people who don’t signal when it slows me down
3. salad with to much dressing
4. overly serious people
5. turtle necks
6. the cost of hockey
7. when moms talk about their babies pooh
8. ice cream
9. dating
10. close minded people
11. taxes
12. racism
13. expired food in my fridge
14. painting
15. when my neighbors garbage blows in my yard
16. washing dishes
17. socks with holes in them
18. very slow speed limits
19. computer crashes
20. cleaning my car

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Breaking Up

The blog posts that is. All I see here are studio among studio sessions -- the studio has been busy!

But, looking at the same thing every day can get a bit boring so I'm breaking it up. Last year I didn't post even half the wedding I photographed. I photographed a total of 40 weddings with the studio running full time. This year I am booking 30 weddings so I still have time to enjoy the summer with my son. 

Anyway, I'm going to try and break up all the blogging and go for a nice mix of studio vs everything else. 

So, let the everything else begin!

Starting now....I love my iPhone! If you have been thinking about getting one, just get it. I love all the applications! I put a few games on mine so when my son and I have to wait, for anything, he will play a game to keep himself occupied. I love my iCal, I know the weather in my own town and I have all kinds of cool photo applications. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easter Special

I've been asked by a few regular clients about an Easter Setting for photos, ok - done! :D

There will be bunnies, chicks and so many more cute things to chose from for your own setting. Please email to set up your session.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ms. Ella

Ms. Ella and Mom Kelly

What a smile!
I think she looks like such a doll here:
pretty in pink: