Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Are they not just so adorable?!!!
However, they do look very different.
Here is the little brother

And here below -- meet big brother

This again is little brothers head :)

Soooo adorable!

And here together they both take a snooze on the book shelf

Sunday, February 25, 2007

blah, blah, blog :)

I almost have all my computer problems solved. I now have most of my programs back, but as long as I have CS2 (my editing photos program) I feel I'm in good shape and that's taken care of.
I have a few things to catch up on but I expect to be all caught up by Tuesday evening as I only have a few sessions to work through.

What else.....

My son and I had our own photo session and we do this every once in awhile. He also enjoys taking photos and has his own porfolio built up. I have two Uncles that are photographers so maybe it runs in the family :)

That hair there -- usually sticking out f his head unless he showers

Here are two my son took of me

Yup, he is pretty good :)

He started taking photos as soon as he could hold a camera and right away he had talent for framing people properly into a frame at such a young age. He uses a Canon digital SLR of his own....the Rebel that I use to use.

This is our Pirate look

After our photo session we went to Winterfest in Belleville. It was awesome -- we looked at ice sculptures, watched tug-a-war between the police and fire department (I thought the fire department would win but they didn't) ate soup, my son had beaver tail and I think we got sick from that restaurant but we went onto ice fishing and then finished up with skating.

We both had horrible stomach aches and when we got back home we crashed on the couch until 9pm and then went to bed.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Engaged :)

Well, we started out with very little snow in the beginning of the season but it's been beautiful lately for photos. I Love it!

Usually we start inside and work our way out, but because timing was an issue for natural light we started out side on the road way.

They are so cute :)

Truly a very easy couple to photograph

And baby and mom
baby and dad of course
and family

Looking forward to the up coming wedding!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


"Film is what you get from not brushing your teeth"

Just had to share this

Monday, February 19, 2007


So, it's been awhile since I've posted until today and I have a great reason....

I had a big computer crash and lost EVERYTHING that wasn't backed up :(

For about 2-3 weeks I was having email problems where I could not read all the emails coming in and some emails I could read but not email back...and others were fine. It was a strange thing. Then I lost ability to access some websites and then I just lost everything that wasn't backed up.

Luckily for me being on top of things :) all photo sessions are backed up as well as all story albums being worked on. I just sat down with a bride for 4hrs to design a story album and then lost everything about 48hrs later. I'm soooo glad that's all backed up.

But, I have lost a few emails of a few of you and I know you or friends read here so you will get this:

Tracee O.
Crystal F.
Sarah D.

I need you to email me.

And, if you emailed me in the last few weeks and have not heard back form you this is why and your email is now erased from my hard drive :( so feel free to email again.

Thanks to everyone that has known of the problem and has been patient :)

My computer is in the shop right now and I'm on my back-up. I LOVE having two of everything but I miss CS2 as right now I am working in PS7...just a few more days and I'll have my baby back -- I mean computer ;)

On Skates!

It was -9.9 when we started to head outside and - 12 when we got back in after our 1/2hr of skating. The river is frozen now of course with all this very cold weather we have been having and now that my son is feeling better out we went. It either didn't feel very cold or I am getting use to the weather????
My son tries to put his skates on standing up so I took a photo.

Here is one of the two of us together :) as I hold the camers
He is not a big fan of posing for camera anymore and yes....his nose is dripping :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Baby Announcements

New baby announcements cards are available to chose from and come free with your newborn sessions. Here is just one example but I have plenty more and will post a gallery soon as I am still working on the gallery.

The above card is a complete proof as this is not the baby's name or date of birth. I wouldn't want my newborns (if I had a newborn) info posted online so that's all I'm thinking there :)

Happy Valentines day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

LOL, I love hanging kids up-side-down in photos -- what great expressions!

Here is the Lion in Justin. He also brought a really cute bug costume but decided to be the load Lion today. This is his photo as he "ROARS"

"There is no such thing as a perfect image, only a perfect moment".
-- Joe Buissink

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Friday, February 09, 2007

News Stuff

The Picton Bridal Show is coming up! The date is February 18th from 1-4pm. Melissa and I will be there and easy to find as we are the only female photographers in the show. The very best DJ will be there (Jason Furgason) If your going to the show and still looking for a DJ be sure to check him out.

The Picton Gazzte issued their bridal section today in the paper. There is a 1/2 page colour add in there of mine and if you have seen it you'll notice the front page photo is one of my photos. I haven't seen it yet but my sister in Picton filled me on on the details. Here is my half page add I designed:

Besides that I have a few new sessions to post that I'll get to.

My son is ill with the flu right now :(

But here is a photo from a recent session....I'll be back with more soon.

Oh, and here is the magnetic calendar I made for Dr. Dempsey at Quinte Pediatrics.

I love these calendars and even have a few of my own that will be available to anyone who wants one at the Picton Bridal Show.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

5 Weeks!

Mom and Aunt of this 5 week cutie were here at the studio today. It's difficult to pick just a few beautiful newborn images to share, so I'm going with 8 for this session.

Tiny feet photos are great. Mom will love them forever!

He was very cozy laying on this sheep skin. We think he even fell asleep.

Two of his fingers fit into moms wedding rings

Babies are to cute!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Photo Booth

I saw this on Jay Leno one night. I think it's hilarious -- enjoy!

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2007

    Sunday, February 04, 2007

    With the wedding planned in May of this year Erin and Pat came over today for engagement photos. Erin and I meet through my good friend Gerri several months ago. Erin actually sent me a thank you card for taking on her wedding -- that's my first thank you card I received before the wedding :) The ground is covered with snow right now which makes for nice photos so outside we went after the studio photos.

    The ranch style fence is often used in photo sessions and I love when guests have their own ideas for photos. Erin knew before we went outide that she wanted a photo of the two of them kissing over the fence. I love it!

    And, here is another colour phot0 :) I know, lots of B&W. All photo were taken in colour and I just added a lot of B&W photos in addition to the colour photos for their newspaper engagement that is coming out soon.

    Very easy couple to photograph -- even if they are Nikon users.....just kidding! LOL!!!